Monday, February 1, 2010

Lots of new changes to come!

First of all I am temporarily closing down the boutique till further notice. I want to concentrate on my photography right now till my son starts school in the fall then I will re-open the boutique. (I will still probably do a few orders for friends & family though) I will add another post later updating will all the recent things I have made. I have a few projects in store for my daughter so I am glad I will have time to get back to making her things.

Also I am excited...I bought some seamless paper backdrops(finally!) and I am getting some new add-ons to my editing software. So expect to see some new and different pics! I also updated my website with some of my recent work. Go to: to check it out, or click on the banner at the bottom of this page. I will also post a blog later with some of my recent work. I am also in the process of making some new props, I will post pics of those later as well.

I am just so excited for new things to come! :)

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